Projet personnel sur la disparition, la subjectivité du souvenir et les sources affectives.
Je photographie des lieux
dont on m’a parlé car ils furent les témoins d'instants précieux. Espaces chéris qui ne seront jamais plus tout à fait les mêmes. Endroits transformés en écrin du souvenir, qui toujours se dérobe. Autant de lieux prenant la forme de portraits indirects.
Personal project on disappearance, the subjectivity of memory and emotional sources. Someone tells me about memories of a place that I then photograph. Once photographs, these sites become extended portraits. Ultimate and tangible remnants of precious moments gone, they will never be quite the same as they once were.
Memories of memories
'A secret path reminding me of New-York'
Behind the 123 NW 2nd Ave., Portland
Velvet Bricks
'A secret path reminding me of New-York'
Behind the 123 NW 2nd Ave., Portland
The missing tire
'There used to be this huge tire at the playground of my Elementary School,
where I teach now'
Alder Elementary School, Portland
Dad + I + Soccer
'Where my Dad and I would play soccer for hours'
Alder Elementary School, Portland
Concrete teeth
'A stop along our West Coast road trip'
Prehistoric Gardens, Port Orford
Squirrels war
'A stop along our West Coast road trip'
Prehistoric Gardens, Port Orford